From the equality of rights springs identity of our highest interests; you cannot subvert your neighbor's rights without striking a dangerous blow at your own. Carl Schurz

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Dumb Broads

That seems to be the message delivered by mayors Bob and Doug when they failed to appoint a single solitary woman to Toronto's powerful Executive Committee.

When Councillor Janet Davis protested the gender imbalance on the slate, she was told that the most qualified councillors were nominated. In other words, the striking (nominating) committee considered none of the 15 (34 per cent) women — many of them with extensive experience — on the 44 member council as qualified for the executive committee.
So given that Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti a simpering moronic opportunist was seen in the eyes of our mayors to be more qualified and able than every single woman on council it is quite clear that the bros Ford view women as unworthy to hold public office and as is the wont of today's brand of conservative, belonging at home barefoot and pregnant.

What is it about the conservative male mind that causes them to devalue women so much, are they that insecure in themselves that they feel so terribly frightened by the notion of an independent and intelligent woman? It would seem so.

1 comment:

  1. "What is it about the conservative male mind that causes them to devalue women so much"

    It's very simple. Selfishness and greed. This is the embodiment of the new breed of conservatives. Women are just a convenient target.
