Glad to hear Duffy has decided to re-reimburse the Canadian public the full amount he received in housing allowance even though he is completely innocent don't ya know, but this still doesn't answer the primary question.
Why doesn't there seem to be a criminal investigation into his activities?
As I said before there seems to be a case that can be made for fraud here. In order to receive this housing allowance Duffy had to officially declare his P.E.I. residence as his primary abode yet to receive OHIP he had to make the same declaration re his Ontario residence.
Anyone who has ever had to fill out a form to be remitted to government knows thanks to the ever present warning that making a false declaration is a crime. Doing so for an amount over five thousand dollars is an indictable offense, so this is clearly something lawmakers take seriously.
Which brings me back to where I started, Where is the investigation and why is one not even being suggested by the media and political classes?
Duffy is guilty of fraud plain and simple