From the equality of rights springs identity of our highest interests; you cannot subvert your neighbor's rights without striking a dangerous blow at your own. Carl Schurz

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Company You Keep

Growing up in the sixties we were taught that you are judged by the company you keep, so with that in mind lets take a quick look at some of the company Prime Minister Harper keeps shall we...

 Bruce CarsonMr. Carson, who was Mr. Harper’s chief policy analyst between 2006 and 2009, met in January 2011 with two officials in the office of John Duncan, the minister of Aboriginal Affairs, to discuss the proposal by the H2O Global Group. He is charged with demanding a benefit for Michele McPherson from H2O Water Professionals Incorporated and H2O Global Group Incorporated in exchange for helping the companies do business with the department

Nathan Jacobson: In an exclusive interview with CBC News Networks' Power & Politics, Nathan Jacobson, the Canadian businessman who pleaded guilty to money laundering in a U.S. court four years ago, says he is protecting friends in the Canadian government because he is "radioactive."

Arthur Porter: Quebec’s anti-corruption squad has issued an arrest warrant for Arthur Porter, the former chairman of the Security Intelligence Review Committee (SIRC) and ex-boss of the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC). Porter is among five people named Wednesday who are facing a total of 24-fraud related charges in Project Lauréat, a fraud investigation into the construction of a Montreal mega-hospital.

Then of course there are the four Senators (and counting?) involved in the Senate housing allowance scandal Pamela Wallin, Mike Duffy, Dennis Patterson and  last but definitely not least Patrick Brazeau

So there you have it Mr Prime Minister you have been duly judged and found wanting in the character department.


  1. Then there's, you know, all his cabinet ministers.

    1. Ah yes the Dishonourable Members

    2. We (Canadians) will look back at how Joe Oliver, Peter Kent, Keith Ashfield
      lined up in Stephen Harper's backfield (in a manner of speaking)

      Harper took the 3rd down snap from Mean Jenny Bryne
      faked the entire country out ...
      sent Boesenkool on a deep route to BC
      Baird ran out of bounds, Carson too, Duffy too

      Del Mastro was on the suspended, unable to perform list (saving salary cap)
      Flanagan ran a curl, bob n weave pattern into Wild Rose Country (wuz never seen again)
      Kent didn't blink, never moved.. like a good zombie full of it fakey fullback
      Poilievre bucked n snorted... quite the distraction at tight end
      as the Senate stormed the exit polls ..

      So Harper threw a real lame Hail Mary pass at a buffalo he thought was Jason Kenney or Flaherty
      Too bad.. it was actually Van Loan who never had good hands ..
      the pass sucked big time.. way short as Harper didn't have an arm to begin with

      But .. no worries..
      The refs were prorogued ..
      and new footsball legislation gives Stevie's team 10 downs !
      Insteada 3 !!

      Calloo Callay .. the Beijing Buffaloes are wonerfull .....
      sis boom bah yay ...
      and cue the Job Creation eco destruction ads circa 1812

      Fade to black ..
