From the equality of rights springs identity of our highest interests; you cannot subvert your neighbor's rights without striking a dangerous blow at your own. Carl Schurz

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Michael Coren vile homophobe....Wait...WHAT

Not much surprises me these days, but Michael Coren's reversal on gay rights falls under the category of HOLY SHIT, didn't see that coming.

"In the past six months I have been parachuted into clouds of new realization and empathy regarding gay issues, largely and ironically because of the angry and hateful responses of some people to my defence of persecuted gay men and women in Africa and Russia. I saw an aspect of the anti-gay movement that shocked me. This wasn’t reasonable opposition but a tainted monomania with no understanding of humanity and an obsession with sex rather than love."


  1. Maybe.

    I recall when he was on the decidedly right wing CFRB and he would ponder if he should remain Jewish or continue with his conversion to Evangelicalism and lately he's become a Catholic.

    As much as this new realization and conversion to gay acceptance is welcome, he has the ability to change his view........

    1. We should always embrace positive change, if it turns out to be less than genuine we can deal with that at that time

  2. I always say that the most out-there bigots end up helping the cause. The anti-abortion extremists end up helping the pro-choice movement, the craziest anti-gay freaks end up the same way.

    When someone is willing to publicly change their views, we should cheer them on - especially someone who has the power to influence others, as Coren (bizarrely) does.

    1. Yes for those who have a basic sense of decency the realization of who you make common cause with can be a real eye opener, I just didn't see that in Coren.
