Back in March of 2011 Carol Goar reported on David Macdonald's study into the explosion in the use of contractors and temp agencies by the Harper government, The Star followed up on this story publishing their findings in today's paper. To no ones surprise this practice has continued to grow even as the Harperites increase the pace of layoffs in the public service.
MacDonald found in his 2011 study that once a contract was awarded managers had free reign in expanding the use of contractors and temps without tender, at times increasing the value of the contract by up to 700%.
As the Star reports today the Conservative are spending approx. $10 billion annually on outside services a 27.8% increase over 2006. Since assuming power they have spent $67 billion on such services with more than $40 billion of that in the last four years which coincidentally coincides with their push to cut the civil service.
In other words they are playing an expensive game of cat and mouse with our tax dollars.
The colours on this graph indicate different departments Click here for an interactive version
As always with these bastards reality is far from what they say it is. Think of all the lives ruined in the name of saving money when the reality is we are paying more for less. But then there is a labour movement to be destroyed, which is the real project at play.
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