From the equality of rights springs identity of our highest interests; you cannot subvert your neighbor's rights without striking a dangerous blow at your own. Carl Schurz

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Ever wonder why so many journalists see the Fraser as credible?

Well wonder no more...
As Donald Gutstein reports in the Rabble "About 160 working journalists have "honed their economic reporting skills" since the Fraser Institute launched its economics for journalists program in 2007."

In fact the program has been so successful that the Fraser has decided to expand the number of slots available .

Gutstein goes on to report that only three of these attendees have seen fit to mention their participation, the rest seemingly seeing fit to hide this obvious conflict while interviewing someone from the Fraser, which happens all too often unfortunately.

So the next time you see the Fraser interviewed or mentioned in the media ask yourself ... Did the interviewer author or editor attend this 'education' program and if so why isn't that being declared.

Personally I have to ask myself, did those who spiked this story also attend a Fraser institute "education seminar" Global News Disappeared a Koch Brothers Exposé


  1. Very interesting information, Kev. Thanks.

    1. It is becoming ever more apparent that our media is as corrupt as our political system

  2. This is further proof the corporate media and the government have the same masters. In this regard, Canada leads the way to fascism in the OECD
